John Rodgers’ performances as a soloist in classical music and his improvisation on violin were legendary. His body of compositions for theatre, alternative bands and new music, showcased a unique and extraordinary versatility.
Nationally, his achievements were far ranging. He explored the outer reaches of music-making in experimental ensembles and festival commissions, including works for the Australian Art Orchestra, the Brodsky Quartet and the London Sinfonietta. Simultaneously, John was creating compelling songs for cult band Madam Bones Brothel (1990-2012), with Pearly Black, and composing prolifically for theatre, including a book musical co-written with Wesley Enoch, The Sunshine Club (QTC, 1999).
John had a deep affection for North Queensland where he grew up. He threw himself into the Mt Isa project Bob Cat Dancing (QMF, 2003), and his mentoring of local singer Megan Sarmardin led to Little Birung (Cairns Indigenous Arts Fair, 2010). The Dream Catchers (QMF 2007) told the story of Paronella Park, a reflection on transplanted cultures that harked back to John learning flamenco guitar in Townsville as a teenager.
John’s many contributions to Queensland music culminated in a showcase of his outstanding achievements, The Genius of John Rodgers (QPAC & QSO, 2019).
John is survived by his son Viv and his large, loving community of friends.
Join us for this occasion, as unique and inspiring as the man himself.
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